Meetings in Asia-West Pacific

This is a directory of Yearly Meetings and unaffiliated Monthly Meetings and groups. For details of local meetings, visit the relevant Yearly Meeting’s website. Or you can go to the Section website which also provides contact information.

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Aotearoa/New Zealand

Clerk: Anne and Alistair Hall
Address: 702 Kahuterawa Road, RD 2, Palmerston North, Manawatu New Zealand 4472
Telephone: +64 6357 1832
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Affiliation: Independent
Worship Style: Unprogrammed
Members:  456, associated 576
Meetings: 9 Monthly, 1 Young Friends, 26 Worship Group
Established: 1964
Publication: Aotearoa New Zealand Friends Newsletter (5 issues per year)

The Friends scattered throughout New Zealand’s North and South Islands first met in Annual Conference at Wellington in July 1909. Annual Meetings have been held regularly since then. Recognition as a Quarterly Meeting of London Yearly Meeting was granted in 1914. We became a Yearly Meeting on 1st January 1964. A Young Friends Meeting was established at Yearly Meeting 2007.

There are Yearly Meeting Committees for a wide variety of activities, including:
  • Quaker Peace and Service Aotearoa New Zealand,
  • Futures Group (climate change and sustainability)
  • Treaty Relationship Group (dealing with Indigenous Peoples concerns).
  • Penal reform
  • Quaker Learning and Spiritual Development
  • Outreach, including Quaker lecture
  • Children and Young Persons Committee
Other Committees for Quaker internal matters: Respect and Safety, Handbook Revision, Children and Young People’s Support Committee, Oral Histories, Summer Gathering, Quaker book sales, Wider Quaker Fellowship.

Yearly Meeting has representatives on a range of National Committees of other organisations, e.g. Alternatives to Violence Project, NZ Head of Churches Group, to name some.

Following the closure of Friends School in 1969 some remaining land is being used as the site of the Quaker Settlement, a community of families and individuals, established in 1976 to further Friends work and to provide a centre of study and retreat, and for gatherings of various kinds.

Summer Gatherings”, held in various locations each December-January. Held separately from our YMs, they are an integral part of the Quaker community life. For 6 to 8 days Friends (about 100 to 120) live together (sometimes camping style) for the joy of fellowship, growth and recreation.

Young Friends Gatherings. Annual camps are organised so that Junior Young Friends and separately Young Friends may have fellowship in their respective communities.

In 1989 the Yearly Meeting stated its commitment to the Treaty of Waitangi and its promise of partnership between the settlers and the indigenous people, Maori, as a foundation document for the whole nation. The recognition of this led to the inclusion of Aotearoa in the name of the Society. Subsequently the Maori Language Commission granted the name of Te Haahi Tuuhauwiri to the Society. This translates as “The faith community who quake in the winds of the Spirit”. Yearly Meeting in July 2008 saw the adoption of a public statement on Constitutional Reform as a further step in the working toward recognition of the indigenous peoples rights within the country.

There is a Friends’ Centre in both Auckland and Wellington for the furthering of local Friends' work and convenience of visiting Friends. There is also limited accommodation at Friends House, Waiheke Island and at the Quaker Settlement in Whanganui.

Quaker Faith and Practice of Britain Yearly Meeting is widely used and referred to. In 2003 a New Zealand edition of local material was produced entitled Quaker Faith and Practice in Aotearoa New Zealand. There is also a local version of Advices and Queries. There is ongoing work being carried out on the Quaker Handbook to ensure we are up to date with the ongoing needs of the Society.

Quaker Peace and Service, Aotearoa/New Zealand
Address: QPSANZ  50 Glenross St, Glenross, Dunedin 9011, Aotearoa/NZ
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The work of Peace and Service fosters Friends’ concerns for peace and service and raises money for these purposes. The committee keeps in touch with other Quaker agencies and maintains relationships with non-Quaker service and peace agencies and groups.


Contact Person: David Tehr, Coordinator
Address: PO Box 6063, O'Connor, ACT 2602 Australia
Telephone:+61 423 308 550 (0423 308 550 within Australia)
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Members: 890 Adult members, 775 attenders, 148 children (under 18 years of age)
Meetings: 7 Regional Meetings, one in each state and in the Capital Territory. Within these seven Regional Meetings there are 56 Meetings, either Local or Recognised Meetings or Worshipping Groups
Established: 1964
Publications: This we can say; Australian Quaker Life, Faith and Thought, The Handbook of Practice and Procedure, Australia YM; The Australian Friend, quarterly national magazine ; Secretary’s Newsletter, monthly national newsletter; The James Backhouse Lecture (annually)
Book Distributor: Interactive Publications, Treetop Studio, 9 Kuhler Court, Carindale, Queensland, Australia 4152 -,
Reference Libraries: Australia YM archives are housed within the National Archives, National Library of Australia, Canberra, Australian Capital Territory 2600 Australia. There is also a sizable resource of Quaker history within the State Library of Tasmania, 91 Murray Street, Hobart TAS 7000. Regional Meetings have their own libraries
Schools: The Friends’ School, PO Box 6021 North Hobart, Tasmania 7002, Australia (Co-educational, Years K-12)
Other Centres: Quaker Service Australia is the service organization of Australia YM Telephone +612 8054 0400
Accommodation: Friends House, 10 Hampson Street, Kelvin Grove, Brisbane, Queensland 4059; Friends House, 119 Devonshire Street, Surrey Hills, New South Wales; Quaker Cottage, 4 Oakura Avenue, Woodford, New South Wales; Friends House, 35 Clifton Crescent, Mt. Lawley, Perth, Western Australia

In 1832 James Backhouse and George Washington Walker visited Australia and worked among Friends in many areas. As a result small meetings were formed in several states. In 1902 the growing sense of unity led to the holding of the first General Meeting of Australian Friends, recognised as a Quarterly Meeting of London Yearly Meeting. After many years of discussion and seeking, the first Yearly Meeting was held in 1964, and in 1970 the first full-time Secretary, responsible for the administration of the Society, was appointed.

Australia Yearly Meeting includes seven regional meetings (one in each state) which encompass local and recognised meetings in all states and territories. Since 2020 our AYM has been held led virtually, using Zoom, in July.

This We Can Say, Australian Quaker life, faith and thought, was published in 2003. The Handbook of Practice and Procedure is under continuing revision and an Australian version of Advices and Queries includes Australian queries interleaved within the full Britain Yearly Meeting Advices and Queries. Other Australian publications are listed on the Australia Yearly Meeting website,

Australian Friends are actively concerned with peace, aboriginal issues, the environment, violence in prisons and the community, conflict resolution and mediation, gender, HIV/AIDS, and education issues. Much of this work is carried out with other groups, but the Society also works independently through a system of committees, each usually based within one regional meeting and corresponding with other Friends throughout Australia.

Communication between members spread over a country as large as Australia has always been a problem. Modern technology is helping, with committees meeting via email, online meetings and teleconferences. Several print publications aim to provide links for Australian Friends, including the quarterly journal, The Australian Friend, and the monthly AYM Secretary’s Newsletter.

Many Australian Quaker publications can be purchased through Interactive Publications.

The Friends School, founded in Hobart in 1887, is a co-educational school with close links to the Society. The School caters for students from kindergarten to matriculation. Australia Yearly Meeting is committed to strengthening links among Friends in the Asia-West Pacific Section of Friends World Committee for Consultation.

Australia Yearly Meeting is a member of the National Council of Churches in Australia.

Quaker Service Australia
Address: Unit 14, 43-53 Bridge Road, Stanmore NSW, 2048
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Quaker Service Australia Inc. (known as QSA) is the service and overseas aid organisation of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) in Australia.

QSA currently works with partners in countries throughout the world including Cambodia, India, Indigenous Australia, Zimbabwe and Uganda. QSA has supported work in the areas of health, education and human rights, but the main focus has been in providing people with the skills to create small vegetable gardens and earn a decent livelihood.

Funding is received from individual Friends, meetings and the general public; however, the major single donor to support QSA's work is the Australian Government's Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. QSA is a member of the Australian Council for International development or ACFID.


Address: PO Box 532, Phnom Penh 12202, Cambodia
Affiliation: Evangelical Friends Churches International (EFCI)

Hong Kong

Clerk: Steve Palmquist
Contact Person: Steve Palmquist
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Affiliation:  FWCC International Membership Programme
Worship Style: Unprogrammed

Friends in Hong Kong have a monthly meeting in the care of FWCC. Meetings for worship are held on Sundays at 10.30. Details may be obtained from the clerk.


Chairman: Isaac Nathaniel
Secretary: Arvind iliazer
Contact Person: Ronald Titus
Address: 302, Mohini Apartment, T-3 Sector ‘B’ Sarvadharam Colony, Kolar Road, Bhopal, MP India
Telephone: +91 9826416496; +91-7974541231
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Members: 121
Meetings: 2
Established: 1983

The Friends Foreign Mission Association of London Yearly Meeting set up Bhopal Monthly Meeting in 1893 as a part of Mid-India Yearly Meeting. It is now an independent yearly meeting.
(also known as BMMS, Bunkelkhand Masihi Mitra Samaj)

Chairman: George Masih
Address: Irrigation colony, old Panna  Naka near Saraswati School Chhatarpur 471001 M. P. India
Secretary: Rajendra Deepak
Telephone: +91-9826072320
Address: Ward no. 35, near Laxman. Raja Hostel, beside Jal Neer factory Bagauta road , Chhatarpur 471001 M. P. India
Affiliation: Independent
Worship Style: Programmed
Members: 420
Meetings: 2 monthly, 9 meetings for worship
Established: 1956

In 1896, Esther Baird, Delia Fistler and Martha Barber started the American Friends Mission in Nowgong, Bundelkhand. There was a famine and orphans were brought to the mission house for care. Thus the orphanage was born which later became the nucleus of a Friends meeting.

In 1897, Eliza Frankland of the British Friends Mission joined the American Friends and started the first girls’ school in the area. In 1931 the first women’s hospital was built in Chhatarpur.

Many of the members of the present yearly meeting are descendants of those who were brought up in the orphanage and others who came to work in the hospital.

An independent yearly meeting, officially Bundelkhand Masihi Mitra Sarmaj, was established in 1956.

There are three English medium schools at Chhatarpur, Nowgong and Harpalpur, serving more than 1,000 children, most from non-Christian homes. There is a Hindi medium school at Chhatarpur, teaching 350 pupils up to junior high school standard.

The Christian hospital which has served the people of the area for over 50 years has 80 beds and is now in the care of the Emmanuel Hospital Fellowship.

The Yearly Meeting has continued to engage itself in the ministry of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Preaching camps in the villages are organized, Christian literature is distributed by church volunteers and camps and conferences for young people and women are held. Many people have been told about Jesus and some have made open confession of faith in Christ.

The Yearly Meeting is a member of the Federation of Evangelical Churches of India which a previous Yearly Meeting General Superintendent has served as General Secretary.

The Yearly Meeting maintains a relationship with Evangelical Friends Church-Eastern Region, Ohio, which continues to support some of the Yearly Meeting's ministries.
Contact Person: Hari Khurana
Address: DDA 236 SFS, Hauz Khas Apts, New Delhi-110016
Telephone: +011-26963925, 91 9868933939 (mobile)
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Established: 1943
Publications: Occasional Newsletter

The Delhi Quaker Worship Group has been a welcoming place for travelling Quakers to worship peacefully amidst the chaos of Delhi since 1943, with Quaker roots reaching back long before its official creation.

The meeting convenes every Sunday between 10am and 11am in the National Office of YWCA of India at 10 Sansad Marg, New Delhi 110001. At the Rise of the Meeting/Afterwords, Friends share a cup of tea/coffee in the lounge of the adjoining International Guest House. Friends passing through Delhi from all over the world are warmly welcomed to enjoy the Unprogrammed Universalist Silence of the Meeting.

Originally located in a modest house at 772 East Park Road, Karol Bagh, the Delhi Quaker Worship group has a long history of stewardship on the part of a few extraordinary dedicated individuals. Before the organisation was officially created, Bill and Eleanor Hindle (posted to Delhi by the YMCA) had worked tirelessly since 1939 to build a community of peace-workers in Delhi and beyond. When Bill and Eleanor were no longer present to hold this community together, the Delhi International centre was created by consensus at a meeting at Friends Rural Centre Hoshangabad, presided over by Marjorie Sykes. This mandate was carried out in 1943 by Ranjit and Doris Chetsingh who envisioned the organisation as both a serene place of worship and a hub of peace-building activity for those working and passing through India.

Throughout the years the Delhi International Centre had moved many times. From East Park Road it relocated to 24 Rajpur Road in 1946 and then down the road to 27 Rajpur Road a few years later. In response to significant growth of Quaker activity at the centre, it was moved to a spacious establishment at 224 Jorbagh near Lodhi Gardens in South Delhi in 1960.

Prior to 1973 the AFSC (USA) and FSC (UK) actively provided the financial and logistic support to Quaker International Centre in Delhi. With the withdrawal of this programme in 1973 it became Delhi Quaker Worship Group and moved to its present location in the YWCA building in a central location near Connaught Place.

For many of the subsequent years, the meeting was in the faithful care of Jai Gopal Malik. The warmth of his dedication to the mission of the Delhi Quaker Worship Group was experienced by many Friends around the world for almost 25 years until he passed away in 2000.

In addition to providing a space for worship the Delhi Quaker Worship Group members are happy to assist visitors in finding cost-efficient accommodation in Delhi.
Clerk & contact person: Archana Gour
Address: c/o Sanjay Gaur, Deshbandhupura, ITARSI district Hoshangabad,  461111 M.P. India
Telephone: +91 9425693392
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Affiliation: FWCC International Membership Programme
Members: 35
Established: 1959

The General Conference of Friends in India was founded in 1959 for the scattered Friends belonging to any yearly meeting in India and abroad. It is a fellowship of men and women in India whom Christian discipleship has drawn into membership with the Religious Society of Friends.

We believe that with its diverse streams of quest and experience, all Indian religious life has much that is of universal and abiding worth; and we affirm our sense of unity with the stream of religious experience and spiritual and social witness which has characterised the life of Quakers in many parts of the world over the last 300 years.

Since 1965 GCFI has enjoyed the status of a monthly meeting under the care of FWCC with power to admit members: in consequence it is functioning as a fourth organized group of Friends in India, parallel to the three yearly meetings, with its own representation in Quaker world affairs. Usually in September/October of each year it holds its annual general meeting for the purpose of study, worship and fellowship. Thus we grow in this fellowship through prayer, correspondence, visitation and any other means which are open to us.
Presiding Clerk: Piyush Augustine
Secretary: E.S.Singh
Contact Person: Dr. Vinay Augustine
Address: Vinay Davakhana, Haveli Darvaja Mahoba, Mahoba, 210427, Uttar Pradesh, India
Cell Phone: (0) 9450275654

Friends in Mahoba, Kulpahar and Charkhari, all Monthly Meetings of Mahoba YM, originally came from Chhatarpur, Nowgong and Damoh in Madhya Pradesh. They had moved to Mahoba YM area as a result of marriage, employment and business. Until about six years ago they were part of BMMS. However, due to being in different states, distance and a desire to be an independent group, they separated and have been accepted by AWPS as a Yearly Meeting.
Contact Person: Rashmi Manuel
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Chairman: Gladwin Alfred
Secretary: Silas C Lall
Contact Person: Dennis Jonathan
Address: LIG-128 Nyas colony, ITARSI district Hoshangabad 461111 M.P. India
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Affiliation: Independent
Worship Style: Programmed
Members: 280
Meetings: 6 monthly
Established: 1907

Rachel Metcalfe, an English Friend, came to India in 1866 as a pioneer missionary representing the newly-formed Friends Foreign Mission Association, London. She started sewing work with just one girl. Mid-India Yearly Meeting has developed from the work of the British Friends who followed Rachel in this central part of the country.

Mid-India Yearly Meeting has been fully independent since 1953 and has responsibility for three schools and other community services which grew up as part of the mission. Two schools are of Higher Secondary standard, the boys’ at Itarsi and the girls’ at Sohagpur. A new venture is an English/Hindi Primary School at Itarsi.

The Central Office of the Yearly Meeting is at Itarsi, which is an important railway junction almost in the heart of India and developing very rapidly. Some members are employed in the railway service or in other government departments; some are teachers in Friends schools or in government schools or in private schools; some are nurses (most of them are now government employees); some were weavers once at Khera (Itarsi) but now there are none, the next generation having taken up other jobs.

Young people’s meetings and women’s meetings are organized by some monthly meetings. Sunday schools and meetings for worship are held regularly in each monthly meeting. Quaker study groups or Bible study groups and seminars are arranged by the Yearly Meeting. In addition to the regular unprogrammed meetings for worship, some meetings arrange programmed worship to meet the needs of members of other denominations. Nowadays many of our young people after their education are going out of this area in search of their livelihood.

There are at present six monthly meetings. The Yearly Meeting is held during Dashra or Diwali festival holidays.


Contact Person: Arbiter Simorangkir
Address:  Friends Church Office, Graha Raya Bintaro Jay, Blok G10/8A, Pakujaya, Tangereang, Serpong, Bantu, Indonesia
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Affiliation:  Evangelical Friends Churches International (EFCI)


Address: 8-19 Mita 4-chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-0073, Japan
Telephone: +81 3 3451 7002
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Members: 161
Meetings: 5 monthly, 1 preparative
Established: 1917
Publication: Torno (quarterly)

Quakerism in Japan grew out of the work of Philadelphia Friends, beginning in 1884. Members of several yearly meetings and the American Friends Service Committee have contributed to its development. Japan Yearly Meeting was formally established in 1917. In 1940, under governmental suggestions, the Yearly Meeting joined other Protestant denominations to form the National Christian Church, but a small group of Friends continued to meet separately in their accustomed manner of worship based on silent listening. Out of this group a new yearly meeting was formed in 1947 and those who had been members of the National Christian Church returned to the Japan Yearly Meeting.

Sunday Schools are held in some of the monthly meetings and there are small groups studying the Bible, Quakerism and non-violence activities.

The Friends Girls’ School, established by Philadelphia Friends in 1887, is now a self-supporting institution with several Friends on the faculty and on the school board. The faculty includes a few American teachers who are selected by the recommendation of Philadelphia Quakers. It is a day school, combining junior and senior high school and following the public school syllabus. The student enrollment is 900.

Friends Old Folks Home, “Ai-yu-en”, was founded in 1920 in Mito in Ibaraki Prefecture, where it was a pioneer project. Setagaya Old People’s Day Care Center is run by the Japan Friends Service Committee.

Friends Center in Tokyo is now maintained and run by Japan Yearly Meeting. It serves for various Quaker-related activities and a guest house for visiting Friends.


Contact Person: John Henderson
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Affiliation: FWCC Asia-West Pacific Section
Worship Style: Unprogrammed

Meetings for Worship are held in Yangon year-round on second-Sunday mornings and fourth-Sunday evenings, often followed by a potluck meal. Hosts rotate.

Please send an email message ahead of time to confirm time and get directions to place.


Contact Person: Pradip Lamichhane
Address: Changunarayan 7, Bhaktapur 4600, Nepal
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Affiliation: Evangelical Friends Churches International (EFCI)

New Zealand

See Aotearoa/New Zealand.


Contact Person: Boni Quirog
Address: Lot 7, Talisay Road, Uptown, Ubujan, Tagbilaran City, Bohol, Philippines
Telephone: +63 917 2471570
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Affiliation: FWCC International Membership Programme
Worship Style: Unprogrammed

Meetings for worship are usually held at the given address, but they may also be held at other times and places as the need arises. It is advisable for someone who wants to attend to send an email and contact the given telephone numbers beforehand to check on times and places.
Clerk: Petra Hildegarde Lumabi
Contact Person: Crisanto B. De la Cruz
Address: 10 Main Street, Marietta-Romeo Village, Barangay Sta. Lucia, Pasig City 1608 Philippines
Telephone: +63 7480964 / +63 9178205805
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Affiliation: Evangelical Friends Churches International (EFCI)


Contact Persons: Hui Naixiang and David Lim

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Singapore worship group meets every Sunday in the home of one of the members. Send an email to Hui Naixiang or David Lim to find out meeting details for that week.

South Korea

Clerk: Jong-hee Lee
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There is a Friends meeting every Sunday in Daejon. Contact the Clerk for details of meeting place and time.
Contact Person: The Clerk
Address: 22-12, Seongsan-ro 24-gil, Seodaemun-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea 03759
Telephone: +82 2 392 5869
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Affiliation: FWCC International Membership Committee
Members: 25 Friends; 5-10 attenders
Established: 1960

In the aftermath of the Korean War (1950-1953), The Friends Service Unit (FSU) – a joint arm of the American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) and the British Friends Service Council (FSC) – arrived in Korea to provide humanitarian and medical aid to refugees and others affected by the war. When the FSU withdrew from Korea after seven years of service, local Koreans who had been working with the Quakers wanted to continue their connection with Quakerism, and with the support and guidance of American Quakers living in Seoul (Arthur Mitchell and Reginald Price in particular) a group began meeting regularly for unprogrammed worship and for study and discussion starting in 1958.

This early group laid the foundation for formally organizing the Seoul meeting in 1960. The meeting was eventually recognized as a monthly meeting in 1964 under the care of the Friends World Committee for Consultation (FWCC), and in 1965 moved into its own Meeting House.

During its years of growth, Seoul Meeting has developed close ties with Ohio Yearly Meeting (Barnesville), Lake Erie, Pacific, Philadelphia and Japan Yearly Meetings. FWCC American Section in particular played a substantial role in providing financial and educational support.

International Quaker interactions such as work camps, travel and study abroad, participation in Quaker conferences, and exchange programs with the Japanese Quakers, as well as Friends from abroad staying in Korea have contributed greatly to strengthening the Meeting as a part of world Quakerism.


Contact Person: The Clerk
Address: 10875 1/F, No. 142 Qingnian Road, Wanhua District, Taipei Taiwan
Affiliation: Evangelical Friends Churches International (EFCI)
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Members: 3200
Meetings: 36
Established: 1997
Publication: Taiwan Kuei-ke-Hui Yiieh-Kan (Taiwan Quaker Monthly)

The China Mission of Evangelical Friends Church-Eastern Region USA (EFC-ER) began with the arrival in Nanking of Esther H. Butler who became superintendent of the China field with centers in Nanking and Luho, both in Kiangsu Province. In Nanking, Friends opened a training school for women, a girls’ boarding school under Lenna Stanley, an orphanage, a women’s hospital under Dr Lucy Gaynor, a kindergarten under Rachel Mostrom and carried out refugee work in the Manchu city after the war of 1912.

In Luho, a hospital was opened by Dr George DeVol of New York Yearly Meeting and his wife Isabella French DeVol of Damascus, Ohio. Friends Academy was opened by Dr Walter Williams.

Evangelistic work was done in the surrounding villages and chapels opened in 30 out-stations. A strong Friends Church in Nanking ministered to government and university people, as well as to working classes. The Luho church touched the entire area until 1950 when mainland China was closed to foreign missionaries.

In 1953 Friends began a mission in Chiayi, Taiwan, again with the major emphasis on evangelism and gathering believers into congregations for worship, fellowship and discipline. The meetings established are pastoral meetings, and all of them are pastored by Chinese. Missionaries purposely keep a low-key profile serving in an encouraging and facilitating role. They minister in the services at the invitation of the pastors and work with the Chinese who take leadership in planting new congregations.

It is of note that after the first place was begun by missionaries in Chiayi, each succeeding congregation has been started from concern and vision of Chinese. The congregations from the northern port of Keelung to the southern port of Kaohsiung have been formed into two main districts, northern and southern. Taiwan Yearly Meeting was established in September 1977 with General Superintendent, Russell Myers, representing EFC-ER for the occasion. All of the YM leaders are Chinese and have received no remuneration up to the present for service to the Yearly Meeting.

Beginning in 1986 Taiwan Yearly Meeting assumed full responsibility for all the established congregations under its care. The members have concern to continue evangelising and discipline their own people over the island, many of whom are moving into vast housing developments in or near urban centres. The need is great where hardly 2% of the total population is Christian. So, at their invitation and urgent call, the mission cooperates with them in supporting newly planted churches and in the training of leaders.

On 6 November, 1988, Friends in Taiwan celebrated the 100th anniversary of EFC-ER (formerly Ohio Yearly Meeting) missionary outreach to China. In the same year Taiwan Yearly Meeting with vision and by faith set the goal to double the number of Friends churches and believers by the year 2000. In order to reach this goal Taiwan Friends Church continues to give priority to evangelism, church planting and leadership development. Members of Friends meetings come from all walks of life, but meet and serve together joyously under the lordship of Christ. They have demonstrated a growing united working strength in meeting needs together. In this way they have opened new work, helped complete a number of buildings for worship, as well as shown compassion to needy individuals or groups both within Taiwan and overseas.

Since Chinese Christians are commonly evangelical in beliefs, there is much common ground for cooperation with other Christians in Taiwan and Southeast Asia to advance the Gospel. In 1989 Christians from all groups and denominations united to form the Year 2000 Gospel Movement in Taiwan. Friends actively participated in this and other cooperative Christian endeavours.

Internationally Taiwan Friends have relationships with EFC-ER and the Evangelical Friends Mission. In 1990 Taiwan Yearly Meeting of Friends became one of the founding members of Evangelical Friends Churches International.