Contact Person: Evan Welkin, Executive Secretary
Address: 1506 Race Street, Philadelphia, PA 19102, USA
Telephone: +1 215 241 7250
Fax: +1 215 241 7285
Click to Email
- Annual Report
- Electronic Newsletter in English (approximately 24 times a year)
- Electronic newsletter in Spanish (approximately 12 times a year)
- Directory of yearly meetings throughout the Americas and meetings in Canada and the USA (Online searchable database)
- Online catalogue of pamphlets originally published by the Wider Quaker Fellowship and other documents of interest to Friends in the Americas
One of the two original sections of Friends World Committee for Consultation, the Section of the Americas celebrated its 80th anniversary year in 2017. The Section serves the 55 yearly meetings and other associations and fellowships which constitute the Religious Society of Friends in the Caribbean, North, Central, and South America. We envision a thriving and integrated network of Friends from the Arctic to the Andes woven together in transformative faith, learning to love, listen, and witness.
The Traveling Ministry Corps is a volunteer corps of Spanish- and English-speaking Friends, crossing Yearly Meeting lines and other divisions among Friends. The Traveling Ministry Corps uses traditional Quaker practices to build 21st century skills in cross-cultural dialogue and local leadership development in both rural and urban environments. These traveling Friends share their own spiritual experience and sense of unity that is possible across the branches of Friends. They encourage Friends to learn from one another, and, following consultation and discernment with the local communities, proceed to minister through prayer, pastoral counseling and encouragement, religious education, or peace, justice and environmental concerns.
The Connections programs serve Friends and Seekers who inquire about the Religious Society of Friends locally or internationally, equip Representatives to be ambassadors of their Yearly Meetings, and promote the observance of World Quaker Day. The programs include the publication of a directory of Friends meetings and churches in the Americas, an electronic newsletter and social media, and an online catalog of pamphlets and other publications of interest to Friends in the Americas.
The biennial Section Meetings are bilingual opportunities for communication, consultation and cooperation among Friends, addressing issues of faith and their reflection in concerns, and bringing Friends together across yearly meeting lines.
The Section also administers the Susan Bax Fund, making grants to support women traveling in non-institutional ministry, and the Elizabeth Ann Bogert Memorial Fund, making grants for the study and practice of Christian mysticism.
Clerks (until 1976, “Chairmen”)
1938 | Alvin T. Coate | Western YM |
1939-1942 | J. Hoge Ricks | Baltimore YM |
1943-1945 | Thomas E. Jones | Indiana YM |
1946 | William O. Mendenhall | California YM |
1947 | D. Elton Trueblood | Indiana YM |
1948-1955 | Alexander C. Purdy | New England YM |
1956-1960 | Dorothy Gilbert Thorne | Wilmington YM |
1961-1967 | A. Ward Applegate | Western YM |
1968-1972 | Edwin B. Bronner | Philadelphia YM |
1973-1978 | Donald L. Moon | Western YM |
1979-1984 | Barrett Hollister | Ohio Valley YM |
1985-1988 | Heather Moir | Southeastern YM |
1989-1992 | Harold Smucks | Indiana YM |
1993-1996 | Gordon M. Browne, Jr. | New England YM |
1997-1999 | Thomas C. Hill | Ohio Valley & Wilmington YMs |
1999-2002 | LaDonna Wallen | Intermountain YM |
2002-2008 | Elizabeth Mertic | Illinois YM |
2008-2011 | Ray Treadway | North Carolina (C) YM |
2011-2015 | Jane Snyder | North Pacific YM |
2015-2019 | Benigno Sánchez-Eppler | New England YM |
2019- | David Shiner | Illinois YM |
Executive Secretaries
1938-1945 | Leslie D. Shaffer |
1946 | J. Harold Hadley, interim |
1947 | Allen J. White |
1948-1949 | Leslie D. Shaffer |
1950-1962 | James F. Walker |
1963-1980 | Herbert M. Hadley |
1981-1988 | Gordon M. Browne, Jr. |
1988-1991 | Alex Morisey |
1991 | Cilde Grover, interim |
1992-1998 | Asia A. Bennett |
1998-2002 | Cilde Grover |
2002-2011 | Margaret Fraser |
2011-2024 | Robin Mohr |
2024- | Evan Welkin |